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Hiking Southwest Virginia

Get outdoors!

What better place to be than outdoors exploring new places? Hiking is my favorite activity and there a quite a few options nearby Stargazer Park. Rocky Knob State Park is approximately 7 miles away and offers hikes for every level of hiker. The Picnic Loop is a short easy trail that circles the picnic area. A short walk to the Saddle Overlook is definitely worth the views. My favorite trail is Black Ridge Trail which is a 3 mile loop that descends to the creek, crosses the Blue Ridge Parkway and finishes through the high meadows with amazing views. For the experienced hiker the Rock Castle Gorge Trail is a challenging 12 mile loop with a portion following the beautiful Little Rock Castle Creek. If you aren't a real go-getter, drive to the Fire Road Gate and hike along the Creek out and back. It is a lovely experience with very little inclines or declines. Pack a picnic to enjoy after your adventures.

The Buffalo Mountain Natural Area Preserve is a steep loop trail approximately 2 miles long. The summit is 3,971 feet offering long range views all around. It can be quite windy due to the high elevation and cooler than expected. Parking is very limited; therefore, hiking during the week is best.

Smart View Recreational has a moderate 3 mile loop hike along with a very nice picnic area. Most of the hike is through the woods, so it is shaded and a nice option for warm Summer days. The Smart View Overlook provides amazing views and can be accessed from the Blue Ridge Parkway if you choose not to hike to it.

These are only a few of the many, many wonderful hikes in the area. When you book your stay at Stargazer Park, a customized itinerary will be prepared for you based on your interests if desired.

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